Using Playscii for ATASCII Art

Playscii is a very versatile tool to create not only different kinds of ASCII art but also animations. We'll focus only on the part of creating ATASCII here. 

You may watch and/or follow the description after it.

ATASCII Compo - How to join?

Short manual

New file

After starting the editor press:

File -> New

Select a name.

Leave the Width and Height. 

Remember the save folder!

Select charset and colors

Press space so that the charset/color picker pops up.

Select the correct 'AtariAll' character set. (If you can't see this option you need to install it.)

Select 'bw' (=black/white) as "Palette: ...". 


Now you should be able to paint. 


Click on 'File' -> 'Export...'
(Do not use 'Export last'. This option does not work always.)

Select the 'ATASCII XEX' exporter. (If you can't see this option you need to install it.)

Chose a file name and save. An executable xex file will be created.

Run the program

We recomand the Altirra emulator.