A small programming contest that run from Friday 3.12.2021 until Sunday 19.12.2021.
The Challenge
Create a program that creates the tree as seen within the images above, 1:1
Exactly the same shape
No additional characters, etc.
Tree has to be centered, if it is possible (for system with a fixed width)
We don't mind colors
The program can finish afterwards (return to prompt)
Use any machine you like, preferable vintage computers ;-)
Use any language you like, preferable on vintage computers ;-)
If you use BASIC:
Do not include own assembler code
PEEK and POKE are allowed
Even SYS is allowed (though not preferred)
If possible, provide the basic code as text format
If you use assembler:
Measure the size of the executable (including BASIC starter stub)
If possible, measure the size of the code only
Please provide the source code and tell us which assembler was used
In case of C64:
Make the size of the PRG file as small as possible
Don't manipulate the file (e.g. truncating the last bytes, changing the start address, etc.)
Only one hand-in per person per machine and programming language
Have fun!
Use your old computer / programming language
Try to optimize it (for minimum size or maximum beauty ;-)
The Challenge - Variation 2
Be wild/creative and do something similar or totally different ;-) It just should be about Christmas, obviously.
No count restrictions in this case.
No strict rules.
This is rather a challenge than a competition. So try to have fun.
If you want, you can be totally relaxed about the rules and adapt them to your needs. Add some flashing, some animation, some candles, whatever you like.
If you want, you can try another approach. Try to optimize the program size as far as you can go.
It's all up to you.
Rules are flexible.
Do not reveal the code or even the exact size of the code to anyone. This shall be a personal challenge.
Submissions are final. No update of your entry. Except for very, very good reasons.
Submit following within one zip file:
an image of the result
source code in native format (e.g. assembler, BASIC, …)
an image of the source code listed on the native machine; can be integrated with the image of the result (optional, but highly appreciated; especially for BASIC)
source code as readable text file
compiled code (if existing, e.g. when using assembler)
An info file (e.g. file_id.diz) that provides at least the following information:
Language used (name and possibly version)
Length of source code (e.g. assembler source or text file, if BASIC was used)
Length of executable file
Length of executed code (valid for assembler only; length of executable without BASIC stub)
Instructions on how to run the code (e.g. which emulator to use and what to do; could be as simple as: Install vice, drag and drop the prg file into it)
Provide a description of how the code works
Filenames could be named like this: <username>_<system>_vc3-2021.zip, e.g. joe_cpc_basic_vc3-2021.zip
Send your submission(s) to: logiker464 [ät] gmail (dot) com
(I might find some random prize for some random participant. No guarantee though. Remember, it's all for fun!)
The random prize selected by %random% ;-) went to Michal Lokša. He selected the following game out of many: "Deponia: The Complete Journey". Congratulations and have fun!
The entries can be seen in the following YouTube video.