<Name of Release> Author: <Name of Author or Handle / Group> Category: <Christmas Challenge or Wild> System: <Atari, C64, Spectrum ZX80, ...> Language: <BASIC, Assembler, (include the version/variant, ...> Len source code: <# bytes> Len exe file: <# bytes> Len code only: <# bytes> (net code size; subtract the bytes for header/start address; assembler: also subtract the BASIC stub) Instructions: <how to run the code in an emulator> <e.g. which emulator to use and what to do; could be as simple as: Install vice, drag and drop the prg file into it> Description: <how the code works> Comments: <anything left to say>
The dates and website for submissions are announced on the main page of the event.
10 print"{clear}" 20 print"" 30 print"" 40 print"" 50 print" * * * 60 print" * * * * * * 70 print" * * * * * * 80 print" * * * * 90 print" * * * * * * 100 print" * * * * * * 110 print" * * * 120 print" * * * * * * 130 print" * * * * * * 140 print" * * * * 150 print" * * * * * * 160 print" * * * * * * 170 print" * * * 180 print" * * * * * * 190 print" * * * * * * 200 print" * * * * 210 print" * * * * * * 220 print" * * * * * * 230 print" * * * 333 goto 333
This version is not highly optimized.